Eye On Franchising

Affordable Business Opportunity Catering to World-Class High-Budget Events with Saas Brow’s CEO Elizabeth Porikos-Gorgees

Episode Summary

What defines "World-Class"? Is it the size of the business or the amount you invest into it? Or is it the unique idea for a high-quality product/service that stems from the great AMBITION to impact the world, and realized through fiery PASSION and DEDICATION? Being among the BEST in the WORLD has nothing to do with huge amounts of capital… Would you believe that a small investment (and a small booth/stall) is where catering to high-budget and high-profile events like the Cannes Film Festival and the Oscars starts? You better believe it because that’s exactly how Elizabeth Porikos-Gorgees’ World-Class Brands began. Elizabeth is the author of “Never Cornered”, Founder of Brow Art 23, Ooh La La Beauty Bar, and Saas Brow! She holds a degree in Fine Arts, and utilizes her skills and knowledge to create a dent in the Beauty and Wellness Industry. Elizabeth believes that passion and ambition, when coming from the right place, will unlock a lot of opportunities, one of which is business success. Despite people thinking her idea for a brow threading service was “crazy”, she believed in herself and her unique idea until her dreams came to fruition. Thing is, Elizabeth knew that her business idea was recession proof and was sure to be profitable… Besides the food industry, beauty and wellness just never runs out of demand. Why? Because people, regardless of gender, have this inner voice telling them to invest in themselves. As Elizabeth puts it, “if you look good, you feel good. If you feel good, you do good”. And people want to DO Good! Elizabeth’s impact on people doesn’t stop with giving them perfect eyebrows. She worked hard to create a World-Class brand that people can be a part of to realize their own business success and financial freedom! What do you think? Are you ready to invest in yourself by working on your business idea? Are you ready to invest in your family’s future starting with a franchise business? Tune in to our Podcast to learn more about everything you WANT and NEED on franchising, investment, financing processes and options. This is Eye On Franchising, where we share our vision for your franchise future. https://www.facebook.com/lance.graulich https://ionfranchising.com/

Episode Notes

What defines "World-Class"?

Is it the size of the business or the amount you invest into it? Or is it the unique idea for a high-quality product/service that stems from the great AMBITION to impact the world, and realized through fiery PASSION and DEDICATION?


Being among the BEST in the WORLD has nothing to do with huge amounts of capital…


Would you believe that a small investment (and a small booth/stall) is where catering to high-budget and high-profile events like the Cannes Film Festival and the Oscars starts?


You better believe it because that’s exactly how Elizabeth Porikos-Gorgees’ World-Class Brands began.


Elizabeth is the author of “Never Cornered”, Founder of Brow Art 23, Ooh La La Beauty Bar, and Saas Brow! She holds a degree in Fine Arts, and utilizes her skills and knowledge to create a dent in the Beauty and Wellness Industry.


Elizabeth believes that passion and ambition, when coming from the right place, will unlock a lot of opportunities, one of which is business success. Despite people thinking her idea for a brow threading service was “crazy”, she believed in herself and her unique idea until her dreams came to fruition.


Thing is, Elizabeth knew that her business idea was recession proof and was sure to be profitable…


Besides the food industry, beauty and wellness just never runs out of demand. Why? Because people, regardless of gender, have this inner voice telling them to invest in themselves. As Elizabeth puts it, “if you look good, you feel good. If you feel good, you do good”. And people want to DO Good!


Elizabeth’s impact on people doesn’t stop with giving them perfect eyebrows. She worked hard to create a World-Class brand that people can be a part of to realize their own business success and financial freedom!


What do you think?


Are you ready to invest in yourself by working on your business idea? Are you ready to invest in your family’s future starting with a franchise business?


Tune in to our Podcast to learn more about everything you WANT and NEED on franchising, investment, financing processes and options.

This is Eye On Franchising, where we share our vision for your franchise future. 



Episode Transcription

Lance  00:01

Welcome to eye on franchise. Are you looking for business opportunities? Well, you are in the right place. We represent over 650 franchises and business opportunities. We will help you find your perfect franchise for free. We even have a free assessment in our website that will help us to determine what the best businesses for you based on your investment level, mindset skill set life experiences. This is ion franchising, where we share our vision for your franchise future. I'm your host Lance grout. Each week we'll speak to fascinating folks from the world of franchising, franchisors and founders, franchise funders and franchisees, are you looking to find your perfect franchise? Or perhaps you're an independent business owner looking to grow your business? Or perhaps you are an independent business owner looking to grow and scale your business by setting up a franchise? Either way, our team can help you I own franchise where you will learn the A to Z's of friends.  Hello, everyone, and welcome back to another great episode of ion franchising. I'm your host Lance Gallic, and today out of my head of my eyebrows look. I look good. Fabulous. Well, guess what? Today there's a reason I'm looking very closely at my eyebrows. Because let's call this the Beauty and the Beast episode and I'm obviously the beast and today's beauty founder. Can you imagine doing the eyebrow threading for the Oscars? hoity toity, isn't it? Can you imagine doing the eyebrow threading for the con? Can however you say at the Cannes Film Festival in France last I checked, you know her previous brand. She built to 200 plus locations 200 locations. She is the eyebrow threading Beauty Queen Elizabeth porticoes Giorgis, my friend Elizabeth and the founder and CEO of SAS brows. So, welcome to ion franchising.

Elizabeth  02:22

Thank you, Lance. Thank you, how are you?

Lance  02:24

I am fabulous, excited to talk with you. It's been a long time coming. And here you are. So give us some background. I didn't give him give your whole backstory. But how did you get into Eyebrow threading?

Elizabeth  02:37

Well, I was really just a consumer. In the beginning, I never heard of eyebrow threading. And when I was in graduate school, I was a makeup artist. And I worked at like Nordstroms Neiman Marcus, I work for like Lancome Estee Lauder, and some various makeup companies. And one time one of the girls in our department she was getting married. So we were all invited to the wedding. And a couple days prior to that there was this Persian lady who worked for Chanel. And she came to me, she said, listen, we're all going to go get our eyebrows threaded to be ready for the party. And I was like, what is that it sounds scary and surgical. And so she's like, No, no,

Lance  03:13

Did you say scary and surgical?

Elizabeth  03:16

Yes. I told you as a consumer that I say no, no, no, you're gonna love it. And so she, you know, we went down, we all decided to meet in kind of the Little India area of Chicago. It's called divan Avenue. And we went to this like little hole in the wall. And it was like this third world like country home while I'm not kidding. And it was $5. And she you know, plopped in the chair. And this lady came out with me with string and I was like, what's going on and, and she's a GI. And then it like, five minutes later, I like looked in the mirror. And it was like, I was like Nursey so I couldn't get out of the mirror. So like looking at my or my eyebrows, they'd never looked so good. I mean, they were perfectly shaped. I wasn't quite sure what just happened to me. But all I knew is that my eyebrows had never looked that good. So did it did it hurt? It hurt a little bit just because it comes, you know, from the root. You know, anytime you're pulling a hair from the roots, you know, customers will ask me, is it gonna hurt? And I'm never like, no, no, it doesn't hurt at all. Because you can't take a hair from it's not feeling I don't wanna light anybody.  But

Lance  04:18

Elizabeth, what was that movie American Pie where they, you know, the guy got the waxing procedure done was that American Pie?

Elizabeth  04:24

Right. And once again, that hair comes from the root as well. But, but this is much better for you than waxy. And I'll get to that in a moment. But so I was sold, I had to my brows look so good. And after that I was you know, religiously, every, you know, three to four weeks down at that shot, getting my eyebrows done. And then fast forward a few more years, you know, it was like 2000 and the 2005 beginning of 2006. And I started to see that some of these like eyebrow throwing places. They were popping up at little carts and malls, and I started to Go to one that was closer to my house, even though it wasn't quite as good as that lady that had been going to but just out of convenience, it was much closer to my house. And now I was married, and I had two small kids. So it was just easier to go there. And, you know, I was going there. And then summer of 2006, I was strolling through Woodfield Mall, which is kind of like the best mall in the Chicago area where I'm from. And once again, I'm strictly a consumer at this point, all I know is is this is the best shopping mall. And I was walking around with my mom and the two kids in the double stroller. And I just happen to notice that they didn't have an eyebrow threading cart there. And I thought it was really strange, because I was like, Wait a second, I've been seeing it pop up everywhere. And it's not at the best mall in Chicago. And the ones that I had seen, they were just they were kind of like gross. They're like these little like gypsy cards, they weren't, they didn't look clean. They weren't nice, but they you know, the concept I loved and you hug and it just like the light bulb went on. I was like, you know, I can do this better, because my Bachelor's was in visual arts. So design. And you know, when I was in graduate school working for the cosmetic companies, I was number one in sales. And if I believe in a product or a service, it's like, step aside, like, I will make you understand how good this is. Because I can't be wrong, because I would love it so much if it was a bad idea. So I called the leasing agent there at the mall didn't really know what I was talking about. And she's like, you know, can I help you? And I'm like, Yeah, I want to open a car. And she's like, What do you want to do? And I'm like, well, eyebrow threading. She's like, No, thank you click. And I was like, okay, that went well. And, and I couldn't think of any other malls didn't have it, except for one outdoor mall in the Chicago area called Old Orchard. And let's do a little orchard. And that is early June of 2006. Right now. So I decided to call over there. And I spoke to the guy was really not interested in what I had to say. But I did get him to agree to see me. So I came in to the mall management office, went into his office and you know, sitting behind his big desk and and you know, waiting to hear you know how I was going to waste his next 10 minutes. And so I you know, I'm very passionate about like I said, when I believe in an idea, and I was telling you about how I was going to do it and what I thought and do my whole horse and pony show. And then after I finished, you know, he's like Elizabeth, he goes, I have to be honest with you. He goes, I get about 15 calls a week here to do this idea at Old Orchard. And he goes, you know, we're not like some of our other malls in our portfolio. We're a premier property. And we might allow things to go on in other locations that we don't hear, which is why I turned the 15 calls a week down that I got he goes but after meeting you and talking to you and see us like you seem a little different than the rest. He's like, let's try it for two month lease. So I was like, great. So I had no idea of what I was doing. I just knew that I loved the way it looked. So I got I went and I bought two chairs you know when found you know two people who just come over from India because it originated in India, eyebrow threading, so it's usually people that are Middle Eastern or Indian or Pakistani, or if from that, you know area, they know how to do it. When in fact two people they didn't even barely speak English. I was like great, you're perfect. You know how to do Eyebrow threading, your ideal employee comm so I opened up my first day on July 26 2006. And I'm not kidding, it was I laughed when I think back to because it was just it was I was like a carnival operator. I'm not kidding. I had like I never register. I had four pockets, 2010s fives and ones. I had two chairs, two ladies and not speaking English. And I was just talking to people and I would get them in the chair. And then they would do the eyebrows. And it was just like the perfect combo. And so the first day and you know, and it was really, you know, I had some thread. I had some pictures, some Kleenex. I mean, I just very there wasn't a lot of things to get the cart open. And the first day I did $550 The second day I did 850 The third day I did 400 And so by Sunday, I had paid my rent. So now I was thinking to myself, wait a second, I have 20 more days left in the month. my you know my employees are $8 An hour and I have no inventory to pay for my rents paid for like and so mine started reeling. I was like wait a second if I had 10 of these I could do this much if I had 50 I could do this much and you know I was like a horse where the gate was yanked up and she was off

Lance  09:14

An idea is officially born.

Elizabeth  09:17

Exactly. I  was Oh yeah, I thought like I'd found fire. So I discovered fire so I ended there was no other locations though in the Chicago area that you know could do threading I had to I had a two month lease where I was because it was an outdoor mall I live in Chicago where you know it's not Florida or someplace nice you know we're going to get cold and it's going to shut down it's outside so I you know Florida is like one of my favorite places in the world so I decided to call some some malls down there because I was like oh great. You know I can I love Florida give me an excuse to go down there for work. And so I called down there and I got a location they hadn't really heard of it down there. And I just like I said I'm strictly a consumer so at this point, so I call the location in Tampa amalan Tampa was called International Plaza, and it was the best mall in the Tampa area. And I called the leasing agent. She had never heard of it, but she did like the idea intrigued her. And she said, You know, I don't have any cart openings right now he she's like, but I'll put your name on the list. And as soon as something opens, you know, we'll do something. So I was like, great. And then she saw my area code. She goes, in the meantime, she goes, I know Sherry, because she's like, where you calling from? And I'm like, Oh, I live in Chicago. I'm calling from Chicago. She's like, Oh, really, she's like, well, we have a mall in the Chicago area called Woodfield Mall. We'll just completely like, coincidentally, it was the same owner, the one that had hung up on me when I called it owned international Plaza. So she's like, she's like we have with advice that I call them. They're hung up on me and, and she's like, I'm so sorry. She was we're in between leasing agents. She was I'm handling both properties. I'd love for you to come to Woodfield. So love then you get the deal. So by the time the two months, so the two months that I was open and overtired, I saved up enough money to pay for the security deposit and the supplies to open the Woodfield location. So it was totally organic. And then I opened that one and then I saved up the money to open my first one in Florida, which was at a different Mall. Westville Brandon, and that opened end of January of 2007. And, and you know, I started my first location at Old Orchard on $4,200. I had financial I was very tight at the time, but two small kids, you know, and my husband at the time and my parents, they didn't like the idea. I told him what idea they thought it was like crazy, stupid idea. And I was like, Okay, you nonbelievers. And so I had sold a condo to my bank teller at Citibank. I'm not a real estate agent. But just I had like my real estate license in case like a friend or family member wanted to buy something anyways. So I made a $4,200 commission. And I decided to gamble that $4,200 commission on this idea, and that was enough to pay the first and last month's rent at the car by two chairs by some thread and Kleenex and cotton balls.

Lance  11:51

Elizabeth, w e call that an investment not a gamble. We call that an investment.

Elizabeth  11:56

Exactly, exactly. Investing in yourself is the best investment you can ever make. So that's what I did. And so I did. So I start with that one location. And I did end up growing it to over 200 locations. I never gotten a bank loan. And I took the $4,200. And I put it into that one. And it organically grew into being the largest Eyebrow threading company in the world. And then I went through a nasty divorce. And so you know, the next chapter Now, our next chapter. Yeah, I'll go over exactly. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Right? That's what they say. So

Lance  12:30

That's it . So tell me what you did next and and how SaAS brow came about and how many locations you have now.

Elizabeth  12:40

Okay, so then about two years, a little over two years ago, I came up with SASS brow. And that is it's kind of like the next level of what my other eyebrow threading company was. It's, you know, it's a brand new design. Like I said, I design everything myself, because that's my, you know, bachelor's is in visual arts. And it's, it's, you know, it's kind of shaker it's more modern looking. It's really, really like head turning, if you will, I think and also, whereas my original company, broer 23, that was really focused on just Eyebrow threading. And that still is the main focus of sass brow, of course, but I've tried to kind of widen the horizons a little bit and make it more about the eyes in general because, you know, eyebrows, eyelashes, you know, the whole eye area, it comes together. So we're Sasebo once again, the main focus is eyebrow threading. I'm also trying to give importance to the fact that we do eyelash extensions, we do eyebrow tinting, we do Microblading you know, if somebody you know, it's a different field waxing and threading, we allow shaping on both sides. Eyebrow, I have my own line of eyebrow makeup. And I have six different color eyebrow definers with angled brush and brow gel to really give you a once you've shaped the brow to really give it the perfect look. So yeah, so SAS bronze, just kind of like I said, it's the next level. It's just, you know, it's a reinvented version and it's just fresher and it's more of a wow, quality. And how many locations right now for SAS Pro. Right now we're at 10

Lance  14:09

It's awesome. I love your energy, you're you just are a doer. So obviously anybody listening that's interested in franchise opportunities. Male Female, I'm sure in the past you've had plenty of male owners and you have plenty of female owners because some people listening here might go some of the guys might be saying, well, this isn't for me, but I'm sure there's plenty of people that realize hey, women like this, this is a good business.

Elizabeth  14:35

Listen, this franchise is for anyone that likes money. I don't care if you're female, if you're male, if you like money, this is your franchise.

Lance  14:41

Everybody here that do you like money? Well, you know, look, I as you know my past experiences in the restaurant business. And while I love the restaurant business, it's a difficult place to make money. In some instances, there's more ways to lose money than make money with perishable goods and all that stuff. And

Elizabeth  15:01

Oh definitely! My dad is still in a restaurant grew up in a restaurant that's I'm Greek it's like, you know, restaurant Greek, it's like, goes together. So I know about that.

Lance  15:10

So you don't have those moving parts? I mean, you have high profit, high profit scenario potential.

Elizabeth  15:17

Right, right, right. I mean, you know, our inventory. Like I said, I started my business, my original location on $4,200. And that was, and that was what the two months of rent in the equation, so you take the rent outs? I mean, do the math. So yeah, I mean, you know, thread. And, you know, cotton and Kleenex, it's very, you know, la low price point for cost of goods. And, and it's really, that combined with the fact that it's, it's really a recession proof concept. Because if you listen to if you're listening to the dates of what I was talking about, I opened my first location, July 26th 2006, does anybody remember what was happening in 2007, and eight, because everybody was closing down going bankrupt, I was expanding my business and opening and expanding locations, because it is a recession proof concept, it doesn't matter what is happening, people will, oh, I'm gonna say women in this put together, they will always spend money on their looks at anything to look in the mirror and not be depressed. That's, you know, and myself included, so I'm not putting anyone down. I'm right there with everybody else. Everybody, you know, don't say if you look good, you feel good, you feel good to do good. And it's absolutely true. So,

Lance  16:27

Say that again? If you look good, you feel good.

Elizabeth  16:29

If you look good, you feel good, you feel good, you do good. And, and people will spend money on the looks before food, foods right? Second, and I think they're kind of neck and neck, because I mean, I eat like a dude. So I don't know if I could say that. But food in my looks, that's my, that's where my profits will go.

Lance  16:46

So let's talk about the investment. I mean, look, there's a lot of franchisors that start on a shoestring. And they you know, you have to add some branding pieces, you have to have uniforms, you have to have the appropriate sign, as you say, you know, based on your background, the design, the aesthetics. So, your primary target today, though, is still malls, and so give us kind of the lay of the land and what the investment tends to

Elizabeth  17:13

Actually, that's a great question, because one of the things you asked me, you know, about SAS bro, maybe differs from my old company is, you know, originally it was like, just shopping malls. You know, that was it. That's where the buck stopped. And was Sass brow. Like I said, it has a few more services I'm trying to highlight as well is I see how retail is changing. So whereas Yes, we are mostly in shopping malls, but you know, what if there's a power center that's busy, or there's a lot of mixed use projects, where, you know, there's condos or office buil dings attached to, you know, some retail space,

Lance  17:48

Lifestyle centers.

Elizabeth  17:49

Lifestyle centers, transportation hubs, I mean, so I'm really kind of stepping outside the box of where we can open the SaAs browser. I mean, they really can go, you know, everywhere.

Lance  18:01

Yeah. And they're small, generally speaking, they're pretty smart, right?

Elizabeth  18:04

They're not huge. They don't take up a ton of space. 

Lance  18:07

iAnd how small deally, I mean, you can you do it, I know, you can do it under 1000 square feet, but generally what give me the size parameter.

Elizabeth  18:16

I mean, you know, I guess ideally, like 700 to 850 square feet is great. I mean, I can make, you know, I've made loving the cart work, which is 200 square feet. So I mean, I mean, I can make any space work, really, I'll make any space work. I don't really like to get too much over like, say 1200 square feet, because it just starts to be where like, the space is a little bit too big. It's kind of like one of those, you know, costume shops at Halloween, you're like, wait a second, this is like 50,000 square feet. 

Lance  18:42

And, you know, just take whatever, you know, it's seasonal, right? 

Elizabeth  18:48

Exactly! So, yeah, so I like to keep it I'd like to keep it between 512 100 square feet. Like I said, 500 on the small end 1200. I don't really need bigger than that. But you know,

Lance  18:59

And all in including the franchise fee, how much would it be to open one of those 500 700 square feet?

Elizabeth  19:08

Well, are you talking about the franchise fee or a site?

Lance  19:10

Altogether? Including the franchise fee? We're talking about 60 grand open?

Elizabeth  19:15

Yeah, I mean, well, you know, it depends too if it's a single location, because obviously the franchise fee for a single location is different than a multiple deal. So Right. Yeah. So if you're talking about a single location, I mean, say franchise fee is 35 then you know, you can get the space built out depending on the condition of the space, you can get it built up from anywhere from, you know, 20 to 50,000 On top of that. Got it. So if you're 35 you're looking at like 55 to, you know, 85

Lance  19:42

Gotcha. So it's a very,

Elizabeth  19:45

With franchise fee, yeah. 

Lance  19:47

Including the franchise fee. That's a very low cost investment. You know, it's hard to get a retail location open for under $100,000

Elizabeth  19:56

In this one you can and it'll look great.

Lance  19:59

Yeah. You can get your money back. You know, ideally, everybody would want to get their money back in four days, like your original, original launch in 2006. You got your money.

Elizabeth  20:09

Right, right, right. Yeah, I'm not promising four days, but it will be very, very quick.

Lance  20:15

Yeah, I paid my rent in four days. 

Elizabeth  20:17

Would you say? 

Lance  20:18

I said, your pay your rent in four days?

Elizabeth  20:20

I can't pay my rent in three days. Lance don't lowball me, please.

Lance  20:23

Read days. I'm sorry. So it's okay. All of your experience in the past, you know, who are the ideal? Like, how do you find these people? I know there are certain people that maybe are more inclined to work with their hands than others, you know, like people that cut hair for a living. But how do you find somebody that does Eyebrow threading?

Elizabeth  20:47

An afilliate time employees or finding a franchise? I

Lance  20:50

f I want to do this as an owner, I want to own one of these franchises. The first thing I'm gonna think of is where I find people?

Elizabeth  20:58

Well, that's one of the things with franchisees, we we work with them to help them get open get staffed, you know, I have kind of a little network of my own, and I have, you know, resources and the ideas to help them get staffed. So, you know, that's why, you know, I always say now is, you know, I've told my franchisees in the past, you know, I've already made all the mistakes for you, all's you have to do is listen to me, like, you have to do nothing else except for Listen to me, listen to me, and I will make you successful. That's all you got to do. 

Lance  21:26

I know you have contacts all over the country. So somebody opened anywhere in Florida, you'll make a phone call, and you might have a manager for them.

Elizabeth  21:36

Possibly, possibly. But yeah, no, I will definitely like work with any franchisee like I said, they to get their store open to get it staffed. I mean, because obviously I want I want them to be successful. Because if they're successful, they're gonna buy one more, they're not gonna buy one more like a five, or they're gonna think about 10 more. And, you know, it's just gonna Snowball from there. So I want them to be successful because them successful means I'm successful.

Lance  22:00

So when it comes to training, the manager would get trained with the owner normally in something like this, so the owner is at least aware of what's going on?

Elizabeth  22:09

Oh, yes. Right. Well, I mean, the owner has to know what's going on. They just have to, they don't have to work the store. But they have to know what's going on, you know, you know, a friend, a very, very good friend of mine hurt her mom. She's a very wise woman. Remember, she used to tell me this, like back in my early 20s. And she said, Elizabeth, she goes, he always know how to be able to clean your toilet and cook your food and mow your lawn. And she'd go down all the list of the things I had to know how to do, she goes because if you don't, then you're never gonna know if the gardener the butler in the maid is doing the proper job. And it really stuck with me. So the owner has to know what's going on. Otherwise. You know,

Lance  22:52

I love it. That's what I did. My restaurants. I know how to do it. All I knew had changed oil in the fryers.

Elizabeth  22:58

I started an eyebrow threading company before I knew how I brotha but it was not long after I started that I learned how to eyebrow thread.

Lance  23:06

So how did you call to do the eyebrow threading for the Oscars? had that happen?

Elizabeth  23:11

We were working with with an advertising firm. And so he had had an opportunity and he was like, Are you interested in doing actually what it was it was gifting suites for the Oscars. And also for we did New York Fashion Week and we did Khan Film Festival. And I was like, Yeah, sure. I want to get a booth and do this. And you know...

Lance  23:29

I love it. So yeah, it was really, really neat. Yeah, that was fun. I saw some videos on that, too. Yeah, yeah. So who are you really? Where are you looking, I should say for the next franchisees right now the 10 locations are where you have Chicago,

Elizabeth  23:44

Right now. Chicago, in South East Florida, Tennessee, and Memphis, we have Houston, San Antonio, Dallas, and Puerto Rico. And but there's not really and then I have one of my Lola beauty bars in Sarasota, which just opened, but there's not really a particular location that it's like, oh, I want somebody here. I mean, that's the kind of the beauty of this is that I can take this anywhere. I mean, I don't care if the franchisee wants to open in Seattle, if they want to open a bottle and pour, like either way, I can get them and they can get their store open and get them ready to go for success.

Lance  24:20

So you're ready to fly wherever necessary.

Elizabeth  24:23

Fly wherever necessary. Yeah, location means nothing to me. I just need the right person who's visionary like me,

Lance  24:29

Right? And describe that person. How do you know if I bring you somebody or somebody listening contacts me? How do I know they're right? For Sass brow and Elizabeth?

Elizabeth  24:40

I mean, it's really one of those things where I just I need somebody who has kind of the energy and the the, like I said, the vision and the ambition, where it's like they want to be successful. It's not like well, I hope I'm successful. It's like no, no, I'm going to be successful period paragraph. Yeah. And that's what I need. Because if they come to me with that attitude, because that's the attitude I have. So like I said, they just have to listen to me. And I'll make them successful because I've already done all the mistakes for them. Yeah.

Lance  25:06

So they can't be afraid to work.

Elizabeth  25:10

Right there. Right, right, exactly. They can't be afraid to work. And you know, another quote, sorry, you know, me and my quotes, I love my quote, quotes, you know, and I think it's like Wolf of Wall Street or something. But anyways, it is said that 97% of the people that give up too soon are employed by the 3%. Who didn't. And so I need somebody who is not looking to give up. But like I said, to go, you know, with just keep going.

Lance  25:37

Well, now that we're talking about all your wonderful, motivational pieces, what about your new ebook I heard about?

Elizabeth  25:45

Yes, yes, I, my, my, it's a short ebook for entrepreneurs in a business crisis. It kind of popped up back when COVID hit, and it's called Never cornered. And it's just never cornered. It's five easy steps for entrepreneurs and business crisis. And it's on Amazon Barnes and Noble. Kindle iBooks. Google Play, so yeah,

Lance  26:06

It's out already?

Elizabeth  26:08

Yeah, it's out. It came on Monday. The first. Oh,

Lance  26:10

Oh it's out!  Awesome. I love it!

Elizabeth  26:12

It's a short ebook. It's like It's like $2. So like, do yourself a favor and just go by it.

Lance  26:17

Okay, I love it. That's fantastic. Now, so what did I miss today? What else did you want to share with folks? Before we wrap up about SaAs brow about you about franchising?

Elizabeth  26:29

I mean, I think you covered everything is just, you know, like I said, I it's something I really believe in, and it's something I'm excited about. I mean, you know, the passion I have for it, and it's not a passion that you can it's not something can be pretended it's you know, it's real, because it just excites me so much, because I just see the potential, you know, my joke is always my friends. They're like, well, so how big do you want? I'm like, well, it's I'm like a video game. You know, global domination, of course. So it's like, like I said, that's I said, I don't care what location they need to go to Zimbabwe. I mentioned Zimbabwe. Just give me your address. So yeah.

Lance  27:01

So Elizabeth, that was just an awesome way to finish. Elizabeth SaAs brow is her brand founder and CEO. And her goal is global domination.

Elizabeth  27:12

Global domination. Thank you.

Lance  27:14

Perfect. That's wonderful. Yes, wonderful. Thank you so much for being here. Have a fabulous day. Let's see SaAs brow continue to grow as quickly as possible because I  know you're ready.

Elizabeth  27:26

From your mouth to God's ears. Thank you.

Lance  27:29

Talk to you soon, Elizabeth. 

Elizabeth  27:30


Lance  27:31

Bye, everybody.  Thank you very much for listening today. Please like follow and subscribe so you don't miss anything here at ion franchising? Visit our website at Ion franchising.com e y e o n franchising.com and complete our free assessments so we can assist you in finding your perfect franchise. This is Lance Fralick. Until next time,