Eye On Franchising

Heart & Mind for Business: Top Qualities You NEED to become a Successful Entrepreneur

Episode Summary

Being a business owner isn’t for everybody, and it’s NOT for a lack of trying! It’s also rarely a matter of “wanting”, because who doesn’t want to be their own boss, to have flexible working hours, to make a name for themselves and achieve success as an entrepreneur?! “Umm…ain’t it that if we want something bad enough, we can do anything?” Sure, sky’s the limit when you set your mind on an endeavor, but here’s the caveat: You also need to have the heart (and even stomach) to get what you want! Entrepreneurship is never just about having a working knowledge and understanding of how you can run a business! If knowledge was the only requirement, we should have even more successful business owners today… But that’s not the case, is it? What we have are a heck load of potentially great entrepreneurs who’ve yet to explore their opportunities because they’re busy trying to figure out what they need to become successful! And we’ve got a rare few who’ve already found their way to the top of their industries. In this episode, we’re sharing the Qualities of the TOP Successful Entrepreneurs and Industry Leaders you need to know (and have) in order to achieve the financial freedom you deserve to have! DID YOU KNOW that most qualities that successful entrepreneurs have can be learned or acquired? What are you waiting for?? If you don’t have these qualities, let’s get learning. If you already possess these qualities, let’s set you up with the perfect fit franchise for you today! Tune in to our Podcast to learn more about everything you WANT and NEED on franchising, investment, financing processes and options. This is Eye On Franchising, where we share our vision for your franchise future. Lance Graulich https://ionfranchising.com/ Eye On Franchising

Episode Notes

Being a business owner isn’t for everybody, and it’s NOT for a lack of trying!

It’s also rarely a matter of “wanting”, because who doesn’t want to be their own boss, to have flexible working hours, to make a name for themselves and achieve success as an entrepreneur?!

“Umm…ain’t it that if we want something bad enough, we can do anything?”

Sure, sky’s the limit when you set your mind on an endeavor, but here’s the caveat:

You also need to have the heart (and even stomach) to get what you want!

Entrepreneurship is never just about having a working knowledge and understanding of how you can run a business!

If knowledge was the only requirement, we should have even more successful business owners today…

But that’s not the case, is it?

What we have are a heck load of potentially great entrepreneurs who’ve yet to explore their opportunities because they’re busy trying to figure out what they need to become successful! And we’ve got a rare few who’ve already found their way to the top of their industries.

In this episode, we’re sharing the Qualities of the TOP Successful Entrepreneurs and Industry Leaders you need to know (and have) in order to achieve the financial freedom you deserve to have!

DID YOU KNOW that most qualities that successful entrepreneurs have can be learned or acquired?

What are you waiting for??

If you don’t have these qualities, let’s get learning.

If you already possess these qualities, let’s set you up with the perfect fit franchise for you today!

Tune in to our Podcast to learn more about everything you WANT and NEED on franchising, investment, financing processes and options.

This is Eye On Franchising, where we share our vision for your franchise future.



Lance Graulich





Eye On Franchising


Episode Transcription


franchise, entrepreneur, business, franchising, risk, lance, qualities, successful entrepreneur, ion, wondered, talk, a regular paycheck, launch, creatively, tasks, surprises, franchisors, website, grow


Lance Graulich

Lance Graulich  00:02

Welcome to Eye on Franchising. Are you looking for business opportunities? Well, you are in the right place. We represent over 650 franchises and business opportunities. We will help you find your perfect franchise for free. We even have a free assessment on our website that will help us determine the best businesses for you based on your investment level, mindset, skillset, and life experiences. This is Eye on franchising, where we share our vision for your franchise’s future. I'm your host Lance Graulich. 

Each week, we will speak to fascinating folks from the world of franchising, franchisors and founders, franchise funders and franchisees, are you looking to find your perfect franchise? Or perhaps you are an independent business owner looking to grow and scale your business by setting up a franchise? Either way, our team can help you. Eye on franchising where you will learn the A to Z's of the franchise. So you want to be an entrepreneur? How do you know if you have the qualities to be a successful entrepreneur? Hello, everyone. I'm Lance Graulich franchise broker, entrepreneur, and host of the Iowan franchising podcast, I help people just like you for free. Find your perfect business. Today I will be sharing what are the qualities of an entrepreneur? What are the qualities of an entrepreneur, I'm sure you've asked yourself if you have the qualities of an entrepreneur? 

So, in this video, we'll go over the most important thing that is required. It's a required quality of all entrepreneurs, otherwise, the business never gets started in the first place. Today I will be sharing what are the qualities of an entrepreneur? Have you often wondered what those are? Well, no further ado, here we are. In this video, we'll go over the most important thing that is a required quality for all entrepreneurs, otherwise, the business never gets started in the first place, then people always wonder if they really need this next quality, and how important will it be towards their future business success. And then something all entrepreneurs have wondered about before they've ever launched any startup business, whether it was a new startup concept or a franchise. So what is it? They might have wondered about it? Well, what is your tolerance for this? Hint, hint? Talk about that later. So let's get into it. First up, absolute motivation and passion are what get every entrepreneur started. Oftentimes people ask me, Well, what does it take to get a business going, and as I just start, the business started. And so absolute motivation and passion. So passion is the love for the thing that you were doing. Let me repeat that passion is the love for the thing that you are doing, and the motivation for the mission, the vision, or the reason that you have to keep reminding yourself to keep moving forward. So all new entrepreneurs are learning new tasks, and things in order to reach their goals. Launching a business is certainly the first challenge, but staying motivated to continue to grow and maintain it is truly the desired outcome. If you're interested in hearing more business tips and ideas, please subscribe to this channel. 

Next, all successful entrepreneurs have ideas flowing throughout their minds on a regular basis. This is why creative thinking makes my list of top qualities for an entrepreneur. It's certainly needed for sure. You need an ability to problem solve and think creatively. We've all heard the phrase, think outside the box, don't want to be inside the box thinker. You need to be able to think freely and creatively. When you launch your business, you create a business plan. Sometimes those things don't go according to plan. And then it's time to go create a plan B. Whether you need to hire staff or there are supply chain shortages. Or perhaps you need new marketing initiatives. The creative thinking entrepreneur will absolutely prevail. Are you liking this video? Let me know how you are doing on your entrepreneurial journey in the comments. 

Next, entrepreneurship is all about taking risks. Isn't that why so many people stay a W two employee risk? They don't want the risk. Not that there's anything wrong with being an employee. My dad once told me, you know, I'm pretty sure Lance, you're unemployable. Well, thank you, Dad, I definitely consider that a compliment at the time. It definitely seems pretty safe to just get a job and receive a regular paycheck. Risk is talked about often in the startup phase, do you have the stomach to be your own boss? We all take risks getting into a car every day. But we don't let that very low risk stop us from achieving our daily goals and tasks. I mean, how much risk are you willing to take? Well, this is why we create business plans. We address all of the intricacies of opening a particular business. Don't leave anything out. This is how you can minimize your risk and reduce it substantially. surprises in business are never a good thing at all, no surprises. In the end, only you can determine if the reward is worth the perceived risk. Investing in a franchise, for example, what I help people with every day can certainly help dramatically reduce your risk, it can help dramatically reduce your risk. I match people up with the right brand for them. If you're interested in owning a business, we have businesses that start as low as $25,000. And we have financing, go to my website I on franchising.com. That's e y e on franchising.com. Complete the free assessment that will help us determine what businesses are best for you based on your mindset, skillset, and life experiences. Thanks for joining me today. And until next time. 

Thank you very much for listening today. Please like follow and subscribe so you don't miss anything here at ion franchising. Visit our website at Ion franchising.com eyeonfranchising.com and complete our free assessments so we can assist you in finding your perfect franchise. This is Lance Gallic. Until next time!